

2007     英国曼彻斯特大学分子生物科学博士学位。

2001     英国曼彻斯特大学分子生物科学研究式硕士。

1998     台湾大学园艺系(分子生物)学士学位。

2022-至今   中国医学科学院血液病医院(中国医学科学院血液学研究所),研究员。

2014-2022  南方医科大学,基础医学院发育生物教研室,教授,博士生导师。

2012-2014  美国宾州州立大学生化与细胞生物学系,助理研究员。

2008-2012  美国宾州州立大学生化与细胞生物学系,博士后。

2005-2007  美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)生物化学系,博士后。

1998- 2000 台湾大学园艺系分子生物组,技术员。

1. 转录调节的机制研究,海外高层次人才引进计划,主持,2015/01-2017/12

2. 染色质重塑子影响转录调节的机制研究,国家自然基金委优青项目,31522031,主持,2016/01-2018/12

3. 核小体调控造血发育早期分化的机制研究,国家自然基金委面上项目,31571526,主持,2016/01-2019/12

4. 染色质重塑子影响转录调节的机制研究,国家自然基金委中法合作交流项目,31711530145,主持,2017/01-2019/12

5. 染色质如何影响造血谱系转录因子结合特异性的机制研究,国家自然基金委面上项目,31872843,主持,2019/01-2022/12

6. 造血干祖细胞生成与细胞谱系转变,科技部重点研发计划,2018YFA0800201,参与,2019/09-2024/08

7. 开发结构足迹算法研究转录暂停在早期造血分化中的作用,国家自然基金委面上项目,32370600,主持,2024/01-2027/12

* co first author; # co corresponding author

1. Jianyu Yang, Kuangyu Yen#, Shaun Mahony#. (2024) Size-based expectation maximization for characterizing nucleosome positions and subtypes. Genome Research (accepted)

2. Shaokang Mo*, Kengyuan Qu*, Junfeng Huang*,#, Qiwei Li, Wenqing Zhang, Kuangyu Yen#. (2023) Cross-species transcriptomics reveals bifurcation point during the arterial-to-hemogenic transition. Commun Biol. 6(1):827

3. Houyu Zhang*, Ting Lu*, Shan Liu, Jianyu Yang, Guohuan Sun, Tao Cheng, Jin Xu, Fangyao Chen#, Kuangyu Yen#. (2021) Comprehensive understanding of Tn5 insertion preference recovers expansive transcription regulatory lexicon. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1093/nargab/lqab094

4. Shan Liu*, Jianyu Yang* , Guohuan Sun , Yawen Zhang , Cong Cheng , Jin Xu , Kuangyu Yen#, Ting Lu#. (2021) RUNX1 upregulates CENPE to promote leukemic cell proliferation. Front Mol Biosci. 8:692880

5. Liu Yang#, Houyu Zhang, Xue Yang, Ting Lu, Shihui Ma, Hui Cheng, Kuangyu Yen# and Tao Cheng#. (2021). Prognostic Prediction of Cytogenetically Normal Acute Myeloid Leukemia Based on a Gene Expression Model. Front Oncol. 11:659201

6. Xiao Fang, Song'en Xu, Yiyue Zhang, Jin Xu, Zhibin Huang, Wei Liu, Shunqing Wang, Kuangyu Yen#, Wenqing Zhang#. (2021). Asxl1 C-terminal mutation perturbs neutrophil differentiation in zebrafish. Leukemia. 35: 2299-2310

7. Wang, Yajie*; Lu, Ting*; Sun, Guohuan; Zheng, Yawei; Yang, Shangda; Zhang, Hongyan; Hao, Sha; Liu, Yanfeng; Ma, Shihui; Zhang, Houyu; Ru, Yongxin; Gao, Shaorong; Yen, Kuangyu#; Cheng, Hui#; Cheng, Tao# (2019) Targeting of apoptosis gene loci by reprogramming factors leads to selective eradication of leukemia cells. Nature Communications. 10(1): 0-5594.

8. de Dieuleveult, M*, Yen K*#, Hmitou I*, Depaux A*, Boussouar F, Dargham DB, Jounier S, Humbertclaude H, Ribierre F, Baulard C, Farrell NP, Park B, Keime C, Carriere L, Merlivet S, Gut M, Gut I, Werner M, Deleuze JF, Olaso R, Aude JC, Chantalat S, Pugh BF and Gerard M. (2016) Genome-wide nucleosome specificity and function of chromatin remodellers in ES cells. Nature. 530(7588): 113-116.          

9. Yen K, Vinayachandran V and Pugh BF. (2013) Genome-wide structural integration of SWR-C and INO80 chromatin remodelers at +1 nucleosomes. Cell. 154(6):1246-56.

10. Yen K, Vinayachandran V, Batta K. Koerber RT and Pugh BF. (2012) Genome-wide nucleosome specificity and directionality of chromatin remodelers. Cell. 149(7):1461-73